Joel Embiid’s Younger Brother Died on Thursday

2014 NBA Rookie Photo Shoot

Joel Embiid is going through a tough time as his 13 year old brother, Arthur, died on Thursday in Cameroon in an accident involving a vehicle, according to Bob Cooney.  The 76ers flew Embiid’s sister, Muriel, to Philadelphia from her college in New York.  Head coach Brett Brown, GM Sam Hinkie, and teammate Luc Mbah a Moute (also from Cameroon) all stayed with Embiid at his apartment and comforted him and his sister while the Sixers lost to the Celtics that night.

Sam Hinkie released a statement on Friday, “We are poorly designed for that kind of loss. To receive that news while 6,000 miles away from your family is more than any of us are equipped to handle alone. Joel is not alone.”

Embiid has not seen his brother the last four years since he left Cameroon to come to the US, he was planning on going to visit his family next summer.

Embiid and his sister flew out to Cameroon to be with the rest of their family yesterday.

What do you think?